Thursday, August 01, 2024

Two minutes' hate #2 Euthanasia, a Labour plot

Scrapping the old people’s heating allowance is just the start of Labour’s sinister war on the elderly.
Inheritance tax will be next, coupled with a crackdown on pensions for everyone who is not a Labour client employed by the State.
Rachel Reeves will also have a go at old people who live in big houses. A garden tax is on the way which will hit pensioners hard and force them to sell up and move into residential homes which will bleed their finances dry.
Worst will be scrapping free prescriptions for old folk. As a result, many pensioners will decide to do without life-prolonging medicines and will thus die earlier than they would have done if they kept taking the pills.
This will be a triumph for Labour. They will slowly cull old people and blame these doddering idiots for not keeping up with their medication.
Euthanasia by another name. A brilliant long-term way of reducing the State pension bill so they can afford to pay even more to incompetent, lazy, Socialist, three-days-week doctors who won’t even have to work so hard any more because all their time-consuming old patients will be dead and buried.
The grave: a Labour plot.

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