The last straw was the arrest and impeachment of the Prime
Minister, Horace Thompson, on a charge of treason.
As the liberal remainer establishment goes to any lengths to thwart the will of the people, setting up a Government of National Unity under new Prime Minister Joe Berk, Dave Britten is completely lost for words.
This short story is one of those extremely rare works of fiction written from the point of view of the people who actually want the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.
Download a PDF for free here.
Alternatively, you can buy it on Amazon for a mere 99p.
It’s amusing, which is more than can be said for the Brexit process.
I thought this story would only be viable for about three days and would be taken down last Saturday but the shenanigans in Parliament mean it is still valid as of October 21.
As the liberal remainer establishment goes to any lengths to thwart the will of the people, setting up a Government of National Unity under new Prime Minister Joe Berk, Dave Britten is completely lost for words.
This short story is one of those extremely rare works of fiction written from the point of view of the people who actually want the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.
Download a PDF for free here.
Alternatively, you can buy it on Amazon for a mere 99p.
It’s amusing, which is more than can be said for the Brexit process.
I thought this story would only be viable for about three days and would be taken down last Saturday but the shenanigans in Parliament mean it is still valid as of October 21.